Tuesday 1 February 2011

Guang #32 - Lamb Stew Gratin?

And so, yesterday's stew was still not finished because I made too much.
So after a long day of ICP and a talk on stem cells, I thought of making something nice from it.
So I got some cheddar and to top up filled cups of stew and then put it in the oven under the grill and then ...

*Mel thought it was a creme brulee T_T*

Anyway, to go with cheese thing, I bought some extra stuff which was on sale in Tesco ...

Breaded scampi! :)
Yummy stuff ..

And so, the result?

Awesome dinner!

Good times!! :)

Last words for this extra long post. It's been a month! :)
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Thanks to our dear stalkers (you know who you are!) fans for supporting us :)

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